Ye Blogger of Olde…
There once was a time that I blogged… a lot. There have also been many blogs started and stopped throughout my many years on this big blue ball — from blogging about my art to writing about makeup (yes, makeup if you can believe it… those who know me will find this strange and unusual because I am by no means a “girly girl” and detest makeup unless I am being forced to put myself on display in public; then I wear it for everyone else’s sake) and other blogs about everything in between — even a cooking one once. I have always been a busy writer bee…
Yes, there have been many thoughts. Many musings. The one thing they all had in common? They were quite nonsensical. That is not to say they didn’t hold meaning or have value… they did. BUT they all shared a common writing trait of mine. Stream of consciousness.
I reckon this is the best time of any to warn you, reader, that my blogs are utter nonsense of my mind and never, ever… get edited. There I said it — the dreaded truth. I write blogs to clear my head, share random ideas and thoughts, or just to have something to say that I feel in the moment needs to be said. Regardless of the why, none of them are filtered, none of them are edited because I write what comes to mind and I don’t worry about it afterwards. I think this makes for a much more interesting time for the both of us. So you will find the occasional rogue comma or misspelling… and as an elder millennial you can suck on my use of ellipses and can pry my em-dashes from my cold dead hands. Got it? Good.
Now, I mentioned blogs in the past to also say I will try to keep this blog on the topic of all things books, from my writing to reading others’ work, but occasionally other interests may pop up, and for that, I do not apologize. See, I am a multifaceted person, as we humans generally are, and my interests are extremely varied. (Huzzah for neurodivergence!) With that, I think it’s fair to expect a little wiggle room with content.
As some of you may know, I am an artist as well, and it’s taken everything in me to not make this whole entire website one big flag of duality split down the middle — half for my writing and half for my art. I personally think one bleeds into the next and eventually this may happen. I have created and am still creating art that goes with my writing, and eventually the two will just have to coexist. But for now, I will keep things as organized as possible. (Matches the whole duality thing — the constant need for structure battling the constant need for chaos — again huzzah for neurodivergence, you’re fun that way)
So take from these pages what you will and leave the rest behind. If there is one thing I can assure you, it’s this…
There will be chaos.
Of the best kind.
Until next time — happy reading!
<3 Rhea
P.S. I never take myself too seriously and if it’s not obvious by this post — neither should you.