Frequently Asked Questions

What genres do you write?

For now, I stick within my love of fantasy and write solely under that umbrella. Some of my works are dark fantasy, one is more historical or “Gaslamp” fantasy, but they all remain under the fantasy umbrella. Eventually, I might branch out to other genres, but for now, fantasy lives at the center of my heart.

Is Rhea Lockhart a pen name?

Yes! Rhea Lockhart is my chosen nom de plume for a variety of reasons. Mainly, my real name is highly generic and boring (Ashley Smith), which is not to say I hate my name. By all means, I love my real name and identity. However, creating a “brand” with my name proved quite difficult solely with the fact that it is so common and generic. I struggled with being able to not only find social media handles or website domains that were not already taken, but my real name overall, being so generic, felt extremely forgettable. It would easily be lost in the sea of author names, so I decided to use a pen name.

Rhea Lockhart came to me one day as a great way to brand an online author persona. It’s more memorable than my actual name, but at the same time, it stays quite believable as an actual name. I am also a fairly private person, so using a nom de plume made sense as a whole when I combined all the reasons TO use one.

I’m not saying you will never come across my real name being used, because you will. I’m not using a pen name to completely hide my identity, case and point some of my social media, especially my art, has my real name as my signature and that will never change. For now most everything you will see will be under Rhea Lockhart but Ashley Smith may occasionally pop up from time to time.

What is Royal Road and why is your book there?

Royal Road is a website where authors and writers can share their work with the world for free in a web-based format. Most authors on the platform release their books in installments each week. This is how I chose to release Whisper of Secrets and possibly the rest of The Whispers Saga.

For me, it came down to one thing… my mental health. Most authors struggle with imposter syndrome and/or doubt, and I’m no exception. It became fairly evident early on when I finished writing Whisper of Secrets that traditional publishing would be, at least for now, out of the question. I do not do well with the “hurry up and wait” that typically comes with traditional publishing. Nor do I do well with being told I have a deadline or being told what I can and cannot do. So for me, indie publishing fits better mentally. It allows me to have the freedom and control to choose for myself and, for now, this feels right.

When I made that choice, the idea of jumping headfirst into indie publishing frightened me to my core. My husband is an indie-published author, and I have lived that road with him along the way, but I was too scared to jump in all at once. Royal Road offers me a way to dip my toes in slower. I am currently releasing one chapter each week for free for all to enjoy. Over time, the more comfortable, and more importantly, the more confident I get, I will release the book as a whole for purchase. But for now, I’m content with just letting it be what it is and letting those who choose to read it read it for free.

I hope this answers the question, but know that I also plan to go into further detail on this subject in a blog post. Once it is posted, I will link it here.

You can read the chapters each week as they are released by going to Royal Road here. For those of you who wish to read ahead a few chapters, you can do so by going here.

If you are interested in becoming a full beta reader and/or joining my ARC team for future releases please email me at:

How many books will there be in The Whispers Saga?

As of writing this, there are currently four books planned. I would LOVE for nothing more than to share with you their titles, but to do so would spoil so much! What I can say is this — it is called The Whispers Saga because each book is titled Whisper of… Whisper of Secrets followed by Whisper of Shadows for book 2, but I have already shared that here on the website so it’s not a spoiler.

And yes, they are all planned, and a loose outline has been assigned to each, but that is not all! I have MANY novellas and short stories planned within this world, but it all comes down to what resonates with readers. No matter what, eventually every character and story will have some sort of connecting novella or short story to go with it, furthering the world-building and backstories/history. (Even if it’s not everyone’s favorite characters or plots — I will share what I love)

I’m in the midst of writing book 2 now, and it is generating so many ideas for spin-offs and other works that it is almost becoming difficult to stay focused!

I truly hope that you enjoy this world that I have crafted and continue to love following the characters’ journeys throughout it.